ponedeljek, 12. december 2022

ŠOUPov novoletni izlet - Dunaj & Bratislava

Tudi letos nas čaka nepozabno novoletno doživetje!

Drage študentke, dragi študenti, ŠOUP za vas organizira nepozabni novoletni izlet na Dunaj in v Bratislavo!! Tudi letos smo za vas pripravili nepozabno novoletno doživetje. Tokrat si bomo ogledali kar dve prestolnici in verjamemo, da boste v obeh neizmerno uživali!

  • DATUM: 30. 12. 2022 – 1. 1. 2023
  • MESTO: Dunaj & Bratislava

Predhodna prijava je obvezna. Prijave pobiramo do 22. 12. 2022 oziroma do zapolnitve prostih mest. 

Znesek lahko prinesete na INFO TOČKO ŠOUP v Kopru ali Portorožu v času uradnih ur.

Plačilo prijavnine je mogoče samo Z GOTOVINO. Prijava je DOKONČANA in POPOLNA, ko je poravnan znesek izleta na INFO točki ŠOUP.

VRAČILO DENARJA NI MOGOČE zaradi subvencionirane cene izleta.


Ker se na ŠOUP zavedamo, da je novo leto priložnost, ki jo želi vsakdo izmed vas preživeti v družbi svojega partnerja vam tokrat ponujamo ekskluzivno dodatno ponudbo, da na izlet prijavite tudi vašega partnerja, ki morda ni več v študentskih klopeh. 

Ekskluzivna cena za partnerja znaša 180 € 160 €. Svojega partnerja lahko prijavite v zgornjem obrazcu.

Cena vključuje:

  • dvodnevni praznični ogled mest po programu,
  • organizacijo izleta,
  • prevoz s turističnim avtobusom po programu,
  • 2 x nočitev s samopostrežnim zajtrkom v hotelu Nivy 3* v dvoposteljnih sobah,
  • turistično spremljanje v slovenskem jeziku,
  • turistično takso,
  • vse cestnine, parkirnine in DDV ter prijavnino.


Reki, ki ji je pred več kot stoletjem J. Strauss nadel nadiimek »Lepa plava« pravimo tudi žila Evrope. Ob njej ležita čisto blizu ena drugi tudi dve čudoviti, pa vendar tako različni prestolnici Dunaj in Bratislava. Njuna lega ju je zaznamovala v novejšem obdobju tako, da so jima nadeli skupno ime TwinCity – mesti dvojčka.

1. DAN

Odhod avtobusa iz Slovenije v zgodnjih jutranjih urah proti sosednji Avstriji. Zapeljali se bomo do Dunaja, ki je znan kot mesto mnogih glasbenih umetnikov, slikarjev, arhitektov in drugih umetnikov. Mesto, ki se bohoti ob lepi modri Donavi, je kraj, v katerem so ustvarjali in pustili svoje pečate tudi številni Slovenci, kot sta Cankar in Plečnik. Ta veličastna metropola vas bo navdušila s svojo eleganco, eno najlepših kraljevih rezidenc in morda tudi s svetovno znano »sacher torto«.

Na Dunaj bomo prispeli v dopoldanskih urah. Po Tržaški ulici se bomo podali v mestno jedru. Videli bomo sloviti parlament, državno opero, muzejsko četrt in druge bogate palače. Peš se bomo sprehodili do veličastne katedrale sv. Štefana… Občudovali bomo tudi Hofburg – Gornji dvorec s špansko jahalno šolo in mnogimi spomeniki pomembnežem iz avstrijske zgodovine. Čas boste imeli seveda tudi za kulinarični znamenitosti Dunaja: sloviti dunajski zrezek in Sacher torto. Popoldne se odpravimo proti Bratislavi, kjer bomo spoznali nočno življenje slovaške prestolnice.

2. DAN

Po zajtrku bo sledil ogled glavnih mestnih znamenitosti. V mesto se bomo podali skozi Mihaelova vrata in se ustavili pred Mozartovo palačo, kjer je slavni skladatelj kot otrok blestel na enem od svojih prvih koncertov, videli bomo tudi sedež Academie Istropolitane, kjer je danes narodna univerzitetna knjižnica ter palačo rodbine Keglevič, pri katerih je bil pogost gost Beethoven. Ogledali si bomo tudi Martinovo katedralo, v kateri so kronali Marijo Terezijo ter se podali proti glavnemu trgu, kjer boste lahko okušali številne dobrote. Sledil bo prosti čas, ko boste lahko skočili na bratislavski grad ali pa naredili selfi z maskotama mesta Čumilu in Nazyju.

Popoldne se pričnejo priprave na najdaljšo noč v letu, ki jih lahko preživite na razigranih ulicah starega mesta ali pa se odpravite v katerega izmed barov ali klubov. Nočitev, če ostane kaj časa!

3. DAN

Po zajtrku sledi odhod v središče mesta, kjer boste imeli prosi čas za zadnji sprehod po slovaški prestolnici in okrepčilo pred povratkom v domovino. Privoščili si bomo le še poslovilni kozarček in krenili na pot proti domu, kamor bomo prispeli v večernih urah.

Prijavi se tukaj. Prijava je dokončna in popolna, ko je poravnan znesek izleta na INFO točki ŠOUP (možnost plačila samo z gotovino).

Dear students, ŠOUP is organising an unforgettable New Year's trip to Vienna and Bratislava! Also this year we have prepared an unforgettable New Year's experience for you. This time we will look at two, capitals and we truly believe you will enjoy both immensely!

  • DATE: 30. 12. 2022 – 1. 1. 2023
  • CITY: Vienna and Bratislava

Prior registration is required. Applications are accepted until December 22, 2022 or until vacancies are filled.

You can bring the amount to the ŠOUP INFO POINT in Koper or Portorož during office hours.

The application fee can only be paid in CASH. The application is COMPLETED when the trip amount is settled at the INFO point ŠOUP.

REFUNDS ARE NOT POSSIBLE due to the subsidized price of the trip.


We realize that the New Year is an opportunity where everyone wants to spend time in the company of their partner, this time we offer you an exclusive extra offer to register your partner on the trip as well, who isn't a student. The exclusive price for a non-student partner is 180 € 160 €. You can register your partner in the form above.

The price includes

  • two-day holiday city tour in accordance with the program,
  • organization of the trip,
  • transportation by tourist bus in accordance with the program,
  • 2 x nights with buffet breakfast at the Nivy 3* hotel in double rooms,
  • tourist chapreon (Slovenian language),
  • tourist tax,
  • all tolls, parking fees and VAT and
  • application fee.


The river, which J. Strauss gave the nickname "Beautiful blue" more than a century ago, is also called the vein

of Europe. Next to it, there are also two beautiful and yet very different capitals lying very close to each other Vienna and Bratislava. Their position has marked them in the recent period in such a way that they gave them the common name TwinCity.


Departure of the bus from Slovenia in the early hours of the morning towards neighboring Austria. We will take a ride to Vienna, which is known as the city of many musical artists, painters, architects and other artists. The city, which boasts the beautiful blue Danube, is a place where many Slovenians, such as Cankar and Plečnik, left their marks, and created beautiful pieces. This magnificent metropolis will impress you with its elegance, one of the most beautiful royal residences and perhaps also one of the most beautiful desserts in the world, the famous "sacher cake".

We will arrive in Vienna in the morning hours. We will go to the city center along Tržaška Street. We will see the famous parliament, the state opera house, the museum quarter and other rich palaces. We will walk to the magnificent cathedral of St. Stefan... We will also admire the Hofburg - Upper Manor with a Spanish riding school and many monuments of important people from Austrian

history. Of course, you will have time for the culinary sights of Vienna: the famous Wiener Schnitzel and Sacher cake. In the afternoon we head towards Bratislava, where we will get to know the night

life of the Slovak capital.


After breakfast, a tour of the city's main attractions will follow. We will enter the city through Michael's Gate and stop in front of Mozart's palace, where the famous composer lived as a child.

We will also see the headquarters of the Academia Istropolitana, where the national university library and the palace of the Keglevič family is located, where Beethoven was a frequent guest . We will also see Martin's Cathedral, where Maria Theresa was crowned, then we will go towards the main square, where you can taste many delicacies. After this, you will have some free time. You can go to the Bratislava Castle or take a selfie with the mascots of the city Chumil and Nazy.

In the afternoon, preparations begin for the longest night of the year, which you can spend in the lively streets of the old town or go to one of the bars or clubs. And sleep, if you have the time!


After breakfast, we will go to the city center, where you will have time for a last walk around the Slovak capital and refreshments before returning to home. We'll treat ourselves to another glass and set off on our way home, where we'll arrive in the evening.

APPLY HERE. The application is completed when the trip amount is settled at the INFO point ŠOUP (payment is possible only in cash).