Interesne dejavnosti
sreda, 15. december 2021

Novoletna Banja Luka s ŠOUP

Še ne veš, kje boš preživel najdaljšo noč v letu? Gremo v Banja Luko!

Novoletna Banja Luka s ŠOUP:

VSAK UDELEŽENEC MORA IZPOLNJEVATI POGOJ PCT (prebolel, cepljen ali testiran)‼️

Cena 80 € vključuje:

  • Prevoz z avtobusom
  • 2 nočitvi hostlu
  • Ogled mesta
  • Spremljevalec na poti
  • Stroški organizacije potovanja

1. DAN: 30. 12. 2021

Odhod iz Kopra v jutranjih urah. Pot nas bo vodila mimo Zagreba do Banja Luke, ki nas bo gostila ob koncu letošnjega leta. Ob prihodu v Banja Luko sledi ogled mestnega jedra v družbi lokalnega vodnika. V dobri uri si bomo ogledali Narodno skupščino Republike srbske, trdnjavo Kastel, Gospodsko ulico, Banske dvore, Narodno gledališče, cerkev Svete Trojice... Največ mestnega vrveža je na ulici Kralja Petra v centru mesta, ki velja tudi za središče nočnega življenja. Po ogledu mesta se bomo podali proti namestitvi in začeli s pripravo na večerne dogodivščine, ki jih ponuja Banja Luka. 

2. DAN: 31. 12. 2021

Po poznem zajtrku sledi prosti čas za samostojno raziskovanje mesta. Banja Luka je znana po odlični izbiri oblačil, ki jih lahko dobite po ugodnih cenah, za tiste, ki ste željni nakupovalnega vrveža, neobičajnih stvari in barantanja, pa je obisk bližnjega marketa nujen. Do večera uredite še zadnje malenkosti in silvestrovanje se lahko začne. Rajali bomo dolgo v noč ter skupaj zaplesali v leto 2022.

3. DAN: 1. 1. 2022

Če se uspete zbuditi pred zajtrkom in check out-om, lahko čas izkoristite za zadnjo kavico z novo prijateljico ali prijateljem, ki ste ga spoznali na izletu. Vkrcamo se na avtobuse in se počasi odpravimo proti domu. Prihod v Koper v večernih urah.

Prijave zbiramo do 24. 12. 2021 oziroma do zapolnitve prostih mest. Prijava bo popolna, ko bo poravnan znesek izleta.

Prijava je končana, ko opravite plačilo na INFO točki ŠOUP v Kopru ali Portorožu. 

Plačilo v Kopru lahko opravite vsak delovni dan od 9.00 do 12.00 in od 13.00 do 15.00. Na ŠOUPostaji Portorož (Turistica) pa ob torkih med 14.00 - 18.00 in sredah med 9.00 - 13.00. 

ŠOUP si pridržuje pravice, da v primeru poslabšanja epidemioloških razmer ali zaradi novih odlokov, v katerikoli državi, odpove dogodek in vrne denar.

V primeru, da potrebujete dodatne informacije, smo vam na voljo na

Prijavi se.

New Year's Banja Luka with SOUP:


Price 80 € includes:

  • Transport by bus
  • 2 nights hostel 
  • City tour
  • Companion on the way
  • Travel organization costs

DAY #1: 30. 12. 2021

Departure from Koper in the morning. The route will lead us past Zagreb to Banja Luka, which will host us at the end of this year. Upon arrival in Banja Luka, a tour of the city center in the company of a local guide. In a good hour we will visit the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Kastel Fortress, Gospodska Street, Banske dvore, National Theater, Holy Trinity Church ... The busiest city is on Kralja Petra Street in the city center, which is also considered the center of nightlife. After visiting the city, we will head towards the accommodation and start preparing for the evening adventures offered by Banja Luka.

DAY #2: 31. 12. 2021

After a late breakfast, you will have free time to explore the city on your own. Banja Luka is known for its excellent selection of clothes, which you can get at affordable prices, and for those who are eager for shopping hustle and bustle, unusual things and bargaining, a visit to a nearby market is a must. By the evening, arrange the last little things and New Year's Eve can begin. We will celebrate long into the night and dance together in 2022.

DAY #3: 1. 1. 2022

If you manage to wake up before breakfast and check out, you can take the time for your last coffee with a new friend you met on a trip. We board the buses and slowly head home. Arrival in Koper in the evening.

We are collecting applications until 24 December 2021 or until the places are filled. Registration will be complete once the amount of the trip is paid.

The registration is completed when you make the payment at the INFO point ŠOUP in Koper or in Portorož. 

Payment in Koper can be made every working day from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00. At ŠOUPostaja Portorož (Turistica) on Tuesdays between 13.00 - 15.00 and Wednesdays between 9.00 - 13.00. 

ŠOUP reserves the right to cancel the event and return the money in the event of a deterioration in the epidemiological situation or due to new ordinances in any country.

In case you need additional information, we are available at

Apply here.