četrtek, 15. marec 2018

Dražen The Erasmus Explorer

Doživetje izmenjave Erasmus raziskovalca v Avstriji in Nemčiji.

Resor za mednarodno dejavnost Študentske organizacije na Primorskem v petek, 16. marca, v Študentskem centru UP ob 19.30 organizira dogodek "Dražen; The Erasmus Explorer", doživetje izmenjave slovenskega Erasmus raziskovalca v Avstriji in Nemčiji.

Na dogodku bo Dražen Vasiljević, bivši študent na izmenjavi, sicer pa študent geografije in zgodovine na Fakulteti za humanistične študije UP, predstavil svojo izkušnjo študentskih izmenjav v Gradcu (Avstrija) in Tübengenu (Nemčija). Udeleženci bodo lahko prisluhnili predstavitvi državah in krajih, ki jih je obiskal, o fakultetah, ki jih je obiskoval, preprekah, s katerimi se je soočal, ter izkušnjami, ki mu jih je izmenjava podala. 

"Vsem bodočim raziskovalcem in firbcem bo, po zaključku, Dražen The Erasmus Explorer povedal še kaj več, če ga boste le o tem povprašali," napoveduje Patricija Marolt, sekretarka za mednarodno dejavnost ŠOUP.


The department for international activities of the Student organizations of the University of Primorska will organize an unformal lecture "Dražen, the Erasmus Explorer", which will be held on Friday, March 16 in the Student center UP (Čevljarska 27, Koper) at 7.30 pm.

Dražen Vasiljević, a former exchange student and a student of geography and history at the Faculty of Humanities UP, will present what he experienced on his student exchanges in Graz (Austria) and Tübingen (Germany). We’ll get to learn something new about the countries and the places where he lived, about the faculties he attended, the obstacles he faced, the experiences he got and more.

"To all future explorers; Dražen The Erasmus Explorer will be available for further inquisitions after the presentation, just ask," said Patricia Marolt, secretary of the international activities SOUP. :)

Zanimivo /povezane novice