ponedeljek, 21. november 2022

Budimpešta s ŠOUP

Odpravili se bomo na čaroben praznični izlet, 10. - 11. decembra 2022

Drage študentke, dragi študenti, ste pripravljeni na najboljši in najbolj čaroben predbožični izlet?

Na izlet v Budimpešto, se bomo odpravili 10. - 11. decembra 2022.

Ekskluzivna ŠOUP cena znaša 69 EUR!

Prijave pobiramo do zapolnitve prostih mest. Znesek lahko prinesete na INFO TOČKO ŠOUP Koper in Portorož v času uradnih ur

Prijavnino bo mogoče poravnati od ponedeljka, 21. 11. 2022 dalje. VRAČILO DENARJA NI MOŽNO zaradi subvencionirane cene izleta.


Program - 1. dan

Odhod avtobusa iz Kopra, v zgodnjih jutranjih urah, nato vožnja mimo Maribora na Madžarsko in naprej ob južni obali Blatnega jezera do Budimpešte. Ob prihodu v mesto sledi avtobusni ogled mesta ob Donavi. Za začetek si bomo ogledali veličasten Trg herojev, ki so ga zgradili za tisočo obletnico prihoda Madžarov v Evropo. Ob trgu se bohoti mestni park, v katerem se nahaja tudi Vajdahunyadijev dvorec, ki velja za eno najlepših zgradb v mestnem parku. Pot nas bo nato vodila mimo državne opere, parlamenta in cerkve sv. Štefana s slavno sveto roko. Sledi prosti čas za sprehod po največji nakupovalni ulici v Budimpešti – Váci Utca, polni trgovin, butikov, restavracij in slaščičarn. Imeli boste tudi dovolj časa za okušanje lokalnih specialitet. V popoldanskih urah sledi namestitev v hostlu v središču mesta in priprava na večerno zabavo (doplačilo).

Program - 2. dan

Po samopostrežnem zajtrku imate možnost spoznati Budimpešto iz druge perspektive. Z nami se lahko odpravite na panoramsko vožnjo z ladjico (doplačilo) od Margaretinega otoka, pod vsemi pomembnimi mostovi, mimo parlamenta vse do pročelja Citadelle. Po vožnji z ladjico bo sledil prosti čas za sprehod po mestu nato pa se bomo odpravili na grajski grič, kjer se bomo sprehodili mimo pravljične ribiške trdnjave, kronske cerkve sv. Matjaža, predsedniške palače in ogromne nacionalne galerije. Preden se odpravimo proti domu se bomo zapeljali še do Gerhardovega hriba, ki se dviga nad grajskim kompleksom. Na vrhu hriba stoji Spomenik svobodi, ki je eden od pomembnih simbolov mesta, poleg pa je trdnjava iz 19. stol. imenovana Citadela, od koder je možen dih jemajoč pogled na mesto. S čudovito kuliso v mislih se bomo odpravili proti domu, kamor bomo prispeli v večernih urah.

Ponudba vključuje

  • 1x nočitev z zajtrkom v hostlu v središču mesta v več posteljnih sobah,
  • organizacijo dvodnevnega izleta v Budimpešto,
  • prevoz s turističnim avtobusom po program,
  • turistično vodenje/spremljanje po programu,
  • zunanje oglede po programu,
  • prijavnino in turistično takso.

Dodatna ponudba

  • vstopnina na večerno zabavo,
  • panoramska vožnja z ladjico po reki Donavi

Več informacij:


Dear students, are you ready for the best and most magical pre-Christmas trip?

  • Date: 10-11 of December
  • Place: Budapest
  • Exclusive ŠOUP price: 69 EUR

Application HERE

You can bring the amount to the INFO POINT ŠOUP in Koper or Portorož. Check our opening hours here.

Refunds are not possible due to the subsidized price of the trip! For more informations write us on

Program - day 1

The departure of the bus from Slovenia in the early morning hours, driving past Maribor to Hungary and further along the southern shore of Lake Blatne to Budapest. Upon arrival in the city, a bus tour of the city along the Danube follows. To begin with, we will witness the magnificent Heroes' Square, which was built for the thousandth anniversary of the Hungarians' arrival in Europe. Next to the square is the city park, which also houses Vajdahunyadi's mansion, which is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the city park. The route will then lead us past the state opera house, the parliament, and the church of St. Stephen with the famous holy hand. This is followed by free time for a walk along the biggest shopping street in Budapest – Váci Utca (Street), full of stores, boutiques, restaurants, and pastry shops. You will also have plenty of time to taste local specialties. In the afternoon, there will be accommodation in a hostel in the city center and preparation for the evening party (surcharge).

Program - Day 2

After the buffet breakfast, you have the opportunity to get to know Budapest from a different perspective. With us, you can go on a panoramic boat ride (surcharge) from Margaret Island, under all the important bridges, past the Parliament all the way to the facade of the Citadel. After the boat ride, there will be free time to walk around the city, and then we will go to the castle hill, where we will walk past the fairy-tale fishing fortress, the crown church of St. Matjaž, presidential palaces, and the huge national galleries. Before heading home, we will drive to Gerhard's Hill, which rises above the castle complex. At the top of the hill stands the Freedom Monument, one of the city’s most important symbols, and a fortress from the 19th century. called the Citadel, from where a breathtaking view of the city is possible. With the beautiful scenery in mind, we will head towards home, where we will arrive in the evening

The offer includes:

  • 1x overnight stay with breakfast in a hostel in the city center with several bed rooms,
  • organization of a two-day trip to Budapest,
  • transportation by tourist bus according to the program,
  • tourist management/monitoring according to the program,
  • external tours according to the program
  • registration fee and tourist tax.

Extra offer:

  • entrance fee to the evening party
  • panoramic boat ride on the Danube River

Application HERE