torek, 24. april 2018

Zlati teden - Srebrni teden

Cikel predavanj: Japonska skozi oči študenta

Resor za mednarodno dejavnost Študentske organizacije na Primorskem od marca do maja pripravlja cikel predavanj Japonska skozi oči študenta.

Tretje predavanje "Zlati teden – Srebrni teden" bo v sredo, 24. aprila, ob 17.30 uri v Študentskem centru UP (Čevljarska 27, Koper). Doživetje na študijski izmenjavi, slikovite kulturne razlike in navade, s katerimi se je srečala ob bivanju na Japonskem, bo predstavila Eva Mizerit, študentka japonologije in jnglistike na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Predavanja bodo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

Prisluhniti bo mogoče sledečim temam:

  • 28.3.: A student goes to Japan (Če študent na Japonsko gre)
  • 18.4.: Waste sorting from the crib on (Ločevanje odpadkov iz zibeljke)
  • 25.4.: Golden week – Silver week (Zlati teden – Srebrni teden)
  • 9.5.: I say wa and you say yo - Gendered expressions in Japanese (Enakopravnost spolov in jezikovne posebnosti)

Experiencing Japan, through student’s eyes

The department for international activities of the Student organization of the University of Primorska, will organize an informal lecture "A student goes to Japan", which will be held on Wednesday, April 11 in the Student center UP (Čevljarska 27, Koper) at 5.30 pm.

On the second event, on which Eva Mizerit, a student of Japanese and English studies at the Faculty of Arts at University of Ljubljana, will present everything that she learned on her study exchange, and compare it to Slovenian culture and tradition.

The attendees will be able to listen to different Japanese topics in comparison with Slovenia, followed by discussion of other countries, with all of the present.

We will listen to following topics:

  • 28.3.: A student goes Japan
  • 18.4.: Waste sorting from the crib on
  • 25.4.: Golden week – Silver week
  • 9.5.: I say wa and you say yo - Gendered expressions in Japanese

We kindly invite all enthusiasts over Japanese culture, and other interested as well, to join us to listen, and afterwards give your opinion, tell or ask even more.

Zanimivo /povezane novice