ponedeljek, 06. januar 2020

ŠOUPovi okusi sveta / Discovering International Cuisine

Tematski večeri mednarodne kulinarike.

Mednarodni resor Študentske organizacije Univerze na Primorskem bo vsak drugi torek v mesecu pripravil tematske večere mednarodne kulinarike. Tretji večer bomo odkrivali okuse Španije, in sicer v torek, 14. januarja 2020, ob 20. uri v Bistro Villa Domus.

Španija ni poznana samo po čudovitih peščenih plažah, izvrstnih nogometnih igralcih in bikoborbah, temveč tudi po okusni hrani ob kateri se še posebno radi družijo tamkajšnji prebivalci. Španska kulinarika je v osnovi sestavljena iz preprostih in svežih sestavin, ki se različno dopolnjujejo glede na naravne regionalne danosti.

Udeleženci bodo lahko poskusili 3 hodni meni španskih jedi, vključno z degustacijo tradicionalne pijače.

Prijave na dogodek potekajo na Info točki ŠOUP v Kopru in ŠOUPostaja Portorožu, kjer je možna prijava z vplačilom kotizacije za dogodek v znesku 5 € do torka, 14.1.2020.

FB dogodek: Klik

The International department of the Student Organization of the University of Primorska is preparing theme nights of international cuisine every second Tuesday of the month. The second evening we will be discovering the flavors of Spain on Tuesday, 14.1.2020, at 8 pm at the Villa Domus Bistro.

Spain is not only known for its beautiful sandy beaches, excellent football players and bullfights, but also by their delicious food that the locals especially enjoy with pleasure.

Spanish cuisine is basically made up of simple and fresh ingredients that complement each other, depending on the natural resources of the region.

Participants will be able to sample a 3-course menu of Spanish dishes, including a tasting of a traditional drink.

Registration: ŠOUP Info Point in Koper and the ŠOUP Station Portorož.

Fee: € 5 registration fee until Tuesday, 14.1.2020.

FB event: here

Zanimivo /povezane novice