petek, 15. november 2019

Predbožični Zagreb

Prijave ZAPRTE!

Študentska organizacija Univerze na Primorskem (ŠOUP) organizira predbožični izlet v Zagreb, ki bo potekal 17. decembra. V Zagrebu si bomo pogledali, zakaj mesto vsako leto privabi toliko turistov v predbožičnem času. Zapeljali nas bodo vonji in okusi, čarobne lučke, kuhano vino, medenjaki in ostale sladkosti decembrskega časa.

S ŠOUPom do izrednega študentskega popusta

ŠOUP izključno študentom Univerze na Primorskem (UP) in Fakultete za pomorstvo in promet omogočamo posebno ugodno ceno udeležbe na izlet, in sicer le 10 €/osebo (namesto 26 €). 

PRIJAVA: spletni obrazec

Prijava bo popolna, ko bo poravnana prijavnina na izlet.


  • Ob predvidoma 10. uri odhod iz Portoroža, Izole in Kopra proti glavnemu mestu sosednje Hrvaške, v Zagreb.
  • Najprej si bomo pogledali glavne znamenitosti mesta, nato imeli tudi veliko prostega časa za samostojno raziskovanje in nakupe.
  • V večernih urah sledi povratek proti Kopru.

Zagreb Christmas trip

Student organization of the University of Primorska (ŠOUP) is organizing a Christmas trip to Zagreb, which will take place on December 17th. In Zagreb, we will have a chance to see, why every year the city attracts so many tourists before Christmas. We will left charmed by smells and tastes, magic lights, boiled wine, gingerbread and other sweetness of the December time from one of the best Christmas markets in Europe.

ŠOUP offers a special price for the Students of the University of Primorska (UP) and the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Transport (UP FPP) only 10 €/per person (instead of 26 €). 

Registration: online Google form

We reserve the right to cancel the event.


  • At cca 10 am departure from Portorož, Izola nad Koper to the capital of neighboring Croatia, Zagreb.
  • First, we will explore the main attractions of the city; Ban Jelačić Square, Sabor, Church of St. Marko, Donji and Gornji grad, then some free time to discover the city. 
  • The return to Koper is planned in the evening hours.

Zanimivo /povezane novice