ponedeljek, 18. maj 2020

Od danes spremenjeni ukrepi na UP

Na univerzah bodo zaživele nujne aktivnosti, ki jih ni mogoče opravljati prek spleta.

Z današnjim dnem se spreminjajo veljavni ukrepi Univerze na Primorskem za preprečevanje širjenja bolezni SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). V prostorih univerze so dovoljene aktivnosti, opredeljene v nadaljevanju, ki se izvajajo skladno z Navodili za izvajanje dela v prostorih Univerze na Primorskem v času epidemije COVID-19. Študentje lahko več informacij pridobite na matični fakulteti. Obenem objavljamo tudi Navodila za bivanje študentov, ki se vračajo v Študentske domove Univerze na Primorskem. 

V prostorih Univerze na Primorskem je dovoljeno: 

  • praktično delo študentov (laboratorijske vaje, klinične vaje, terenske vaje) in druge oblike pedagoškega dela, ki jih ni mogoče izvesti spletno,
  • delo z mentorjem (raziskovalno delo, usposabljanje v simulacijskem okolju / predavalnici),
  • klinično in praktično usposabljanje v učnih ustanovah, če to omogoča učna ustanova,
  • izvajanje pisnega preverjanja, kjer tega ni mogoče ustrezno nadomestiti z drugimi oblikami preverjanja znanja,
  • bivanje študentov v študentskih domovih,
  • delo zaposlenih na delovnih mestih na področju znanosti in spremljajočih delovnih mestih (plačni skupini H in J),
  • raziskovalno delo in priprave na učni proces zaposlenih na delovnih mestih na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja (plačna skupina D). 

Ob tem izpostavljajo: 

  • V stavbe univerze lahko vstopajo le zdravi študenti in zaposleni (brez znakov akutne okužbe dihal). Ob prvem prihodu podpišejo izjavo (priloga Navodil), s katero jamčijo, da so zdravi.
  • Če izjave ne podpišejo, jim vstop v stavbe univerze ni omogočen.
  • Zunanji obiskovalci lahko vstopajo v objekte univerze le po predhodnem dogovoru in v spremstvu predstavnika univerze. Za zunanje obiskovalce je v prostorih univerze obvezna nošnja obrazne zaščitne maske.
  • Kontakt s strokovnimi službami še naprej poteka preko e-maila, telefona ali z drugimi oblikami v e-okolju. Za morebitne nujne zadeve, ki jih ne morete urediti brez osebnega stika, se je potrebno predhodno dogovoriti za termin srečanja (sestanka). Zaradi prostorskih pogojev v strokovnih službah je v tem primeru obvezna uporaba zaščitne maske.

Na Univerzi na Primorskem se tudi po 18. 5. 2020 izvajajo naslednji ukrepi za preprečevanje širjenja bolezni SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19):

  • kjer je mogoče, se pedagoški proces in preverjanje znanja izvaja prilagojeno, na daljavo (predavanja, seminarji, ustni izpiti in podobne pedagoške aktivnosti),
  • v kolikor učne ustanove, kot so bolnišnice, domovi starejših občanov, šole in podobno, ne omogočajo izvajanja usposabljanja, učenja in oblik poučevanja v skupinah, se te aktivnosti prestavi na kasnejši čas,
  • rekreacija študentov in zaposlenih se ne izvaja,
  • na kasnejši čas so prestavljeni vsi dogodki, obštudijska dejavnost, vseživljenjsko učenje in druge tovrstne aktivnosti,
  • vsem zaposlenim so omogočene alternativne oblike dela,
  • omejene so vse službene poti v tujino,
  • vse študente in zaposlene pozivamo k dosledni skrbi za higieno rok in kašlja in spoštovanju splošnih higienskih ukrepov za preprečevanje širjenja bolezni,
  • vse študente in zaposlene pozivamo k spremljanju preverjenih in uradnih informacij, predvsem NIJZ in WHO,
  • vse študente in zaposlene pozivamo k preprečevanju diskriminacije in spoštovanju soljudi. 

On 18 May 2020, the current measures of the University of Primorska to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) are changing.  Activities defined below are permitted in the university premises, which need to be carried out in the manner defined in the Instructions for working in the university premises during the COVID-19 epidemic (currently they are available only in Slovene, likely on Monday, May 18, it will be published in English). More information are available at the faculties. As soon as possible will be also published the instructions for the students on their return to the Student Dormitories, so please follow the news on our website. 

We kindly ask you to examine the instructions carefully and follow all the defined measures, which remain in force until revoked.

The following is permitted in the premises of the University of Primorska:

  • Student practical work (laboratory exercise, clinical exercise, field work) and other forms of pedagogic work, which cannot be executed online,
  • Work with a mentor (research work, training in simulated environment/ lecture hall),
  • Clinical and practical training in educational facilities, if the institution permits it,
  • The execution of written examination, wherever this cannot be supplemented by other forms of knowledge testing,
  • Student accommodation in student dormitories,
  • The work of employees in the field of science and accompanying employment positions (pay class H and J),
  • Research work and preparations for the educational process of employees in the field of education (pay class D).

We would like to remind you of the following:
  • Only healthy students and staff (without signs of acute respiratory infection) can enter university premises. On first arrival, they sign a statement (annex to the Instructions) guaranteeing that they are healthy.
  • If they do not sign the statement, they are not allowed to enter the university premises. 
  • External visitors can enter the university facilities only by prior arrangement and accompanied by a university representative. For external visitors, it is mandatory to wear a face protection mask on the university premises.
  • Contact with professional services continues through e-mail, telephone or other forms in the e-environment. For any urgent matters that you cannot arrange without personal contact, it is necessary to make an appointment for a meeting in advance. Due to the spatial conditions in the professional services, the use of a protective mask is mandatory in this case.
  • The university premises are from 18. 5. 2020 also available in the morning (there are no more restrictions that were introduced more than a month ago to ensure cleaning of the premises in the morning).

The following measures for the prevention of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) remain in place at the University of Primorska after the 18.5.2020:

  • Wherever possible, the pedagogic process and the examination process shall be held in distance (lectures, seminars, oral examination and related pedagogic activity);
  • If educational facilities such as hospitals, elderly homes, schools and similar do not permit the execution of a training, learning process or group learning, these activities shall be moved to a later date,
  • Recreational activities for students and employees will not take place,
  • All events, extracurricular activities, lifelong learning and other related activities shall be moved to a later date,
  • All employees are permitted alternative forms of work,
  • All foreign travel is restricted,
  • All students and employees are invited to follow measures related to hand and cough hygiene and to respect general instructions preventing the spread of the illness,
  • All students and employees are invited to follow official and proven information, especially by NIJZ and the WHO.
  • All students and employees are invited to tackle discrimination and build respect to others.

Zanimivo /povezane novice