sreda, 05. junij 2019


Mednarodni resor Študentske organizacije Univerze na Primorskem tokrat pripravlja ŠOUPijado na vodi.

Izlet na ladji namenjen druženju domačih in tujih študentov bo v sredo, 5. 6. 2019, ob 15. uri. Vstop na ladji bo možen na privezih v Kopru. Po plovbi po koprskem zalivu, se bomo ustavili poleg Mesečevega zaliva, kjer bomo najbolj pogumnim omogočili skok v morje. Po kopanju se bo ladja zasidrala v Izoli, kjer se izlet zaključi.

Prijave na dogodek potekajo na Info točki ŠOUP v Kopru in ŠOUPostaji Turistica v Portorožu, kjer je možna prijava z vplačilom kotizacije za dogodek v znesku 10 € od 7. do 5. junija 2019. Kotizacija vključuje prevoz z ladjo, hrano ter pijačo, ki bo na voljo na dogodku.

Facebook dogodek: Klik


The International department of the Student organization of the University of Primorska is preparing BOAT ŠOUPijada.

The boat trip intended for the gathering of domestic and foreign students will be on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 3 pm. Entrance to the ship will be possible in Koper. After sailing along Koper, we will stop near Moon Bay and take a swim. The ship will anchor in Izola, where the trip ends.

Applications for the event is possible at the ŠOUP Koper and Portorož Info Point, where registration can be made in the amount of € 10 from May 7 to June 4, 2019. The registration fee includes the boat trip, food and drink, available at the event. 

Facebook Event: Click